Haven (SRB)

Haven is an ASD specialist resource base (SRB) for children aged 7 to 11 years old. The maximum capacity for the class is 10 children, enabling a higher adult to pupil ratio to support learners. Pupils benefit from a low stimulus work environment with individual work stations as well as a sensory space to support children as and when required.

In Haven class we offer a personalised curriculum which enables children to learn in a variety of ways: 1:1, in small groups, whole class and with their class in main school. All staff have specialist ASD training and Norfolk Steps to support de-escalation and reduce the likelihood of a child reaching crisis. Children will develop reading and writing skills through a structured phonics program and will work at a curriculum level that is accessible to them.

Pupils arrive between 8.30 and 8.45am and complete work box based tasks and interventions. Registration is from 8.45am with the pupils’ main school class. Pupils will be expected to join their class for different lessons throughout the week such as PE, music and art. Pupils will have snack mid-morning to develop social skills and life skills and will also be encouraged to wash and dry up with increasing independence.

Lunch is eaten in our social space where it is much quieter than the main dining hall and children join the rest of Key Stage 2 for playtime. The day school day finishes at 3pm.

We aim to develop life skills as well as enhance children’s learning of the curriculum through trips and other enrichment activities in the local community. These help children to develop the skills required to remain safe in the community and manage social situations. Please note, there may be a voluntary contribution asked for the trips to go ahead.

If your child accesses mainstream they may also attend some mainstream class trips that are linked to the curriculum. Consideration is always given to the trip and how accessible it is for each individual.

Applications should be made if the school-based interventions at a child’s home school are not proving effective in supporting their progress in line with their assessed ability. A higher ratio of adult to child staffing can support additional needs and provide interventions needed. Pupils are not required to have an EHCP (Education, Health, Care Plan) to join the SRB.

School can apply for a pupil to attend the SRB by completing the online referral form on the Norfolk Schools website: https://www.schools.norfolk.gov.uk/pupil-needs/special-educational-needs-and-disabilities/send-provision-services/specialist-resource-bases-srbs/make-a-referral . A panel meeting happens once every half term to discuss suitability of a placement and to assign places should they be available.

The first step in the application process is for the home school and the child’s parents to contact the SRB Lead Teacher, Ryan Carter, to have a discussion and arrange an observation of the child in their home school. The home school will then be required to complete the SRB referral form by the deadline dates published on the Norfolk Schools website.

The teachers from Haven attend the ASD SRB network meetings to liaise and share best practice with professionals working within similar settings and specialist provision. As part of this network, all staff working within the SRB can access specialist training. We have a specialist partner from a special school that comes in to support staff, observe and provide additional training.

Please see the Norfolk site for further information: www.norfolk.gov.uk/srbs This will provide you with further information relating to the programme, details of SRB specialism, key stage (and ages) catered for and name of SRB.

We are pleased to confirm (new for this year), our SRB Open Days.

We would like to encourage all parents who are thinking of applying for a place:-

  • Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 1:30pm
  • Thursday 24th April 2025 at 10:30am
  • Later dates TBC

To book your place, please contact Mr Carter directly on [email protected] , alternatively please call our academy office on 01493 603462.