8:30am – 8:45am | Gates open at 8:30am and close at 8:45am, after this time your child must enter via the academy office. Pupils in Reception and Haven enter and exit via the Gordon Road gate. Pupils in Year 1 – 6 enter and exit via the main playground gates on Suffolk Road. |
8:40am – 8:55am | Registration time. Any pupils arriving after 8:55am will be marked as Late. |
8:55am – 10:00am/10:15am | Lesson time! Morning lessons normally include Phonics, English and Maths. |
10:00am – 10:15am | Year 1 and Year 2 breaktime. Pupils are provided with a piece of fruit but may bring their own healthy snack from home if they want to. |
10:15am – 10:30am | Year 3 – 6 breaktime. Pupils are able to purchase snack from our Tuc Shop (55p per item Mon to Thurs, £1.05 for a bacon roll on a Fri). Pupils may also bring their own healthy snack from home if they want to. |
10:15am/10:30am – 11:30am/12:10pm | Lesson time! Morning/mid-morning lessons normally include Phonics, English and Maths. |
11:30am – 1:00pm | Staggered lunchtimes for all year groups. Pupils are able to order a school dinner (main or veggie), jacket potato or school pack lunch at a cost of £2.35. Pupils in YrR, 1 and 2, or those entitled to means-tested FSM do not pay for their dinners. Pupils may also bring healthy, balanced pack lunches from home. Please note. We are a NUT FREE school. No nut produce is allowed on site. We also do not allow children to bring any kind of hot drink to school. |
1:00pm – 3:00pm | Lesson time! Afternoon lessons normally include PE, Music, Science, Humanities etc – for more information please visit our Curriculum Page. |
3:00pm | Home time! Pupils are collected/dismissed from the gates as above. Pupils in Year 3 – 6 are allowed to walk home, with written permission submitted to the office. |
3:00pm – 4:00pm/5:00pm | After-school clubs Enrichment clubs run until 4:00pm, voluntary contribution of £2.00. Sign up is run termly and sent out via text message. Care Club runs until 5:00pm and costs £2.50 per hour. Booking opens on a Friday for the following week and payment must be received in advance. |
Prompt arrival at school is important. Please remember to inform the school as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent.
Home and school must work together to ensure that children feel safe and secure and know the routines clearly.
Don’t forget!
For the safety of our pupils, parents and staff, please ensure when dropping off and collecting your child avoid stopping or parking on the yellow lines and zig zags outside of the school gates.
We are committed to giving your child the best opportunities that we can. We do this most effectively when working with you.