At Edward Worlledge Ormiston Academy we have the highest expectations for all pupils and believe that every child can achieve the highest possible standards regardless of any barriers to learning they may face.
We encourage high aspirations for all and a ‘can do’ attitude towards learning.
We recognised that some pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds have several barriers they need to overcome and therefore require additional support to achieve in line with their peers. We are committed to using all additional resources to help them be ambitious, strive to be better, build resilience, have a positive work ethic and reach their full potential.
Every year 12 pupils are recommended to be part of the Scholars Programme whereby they undertake a series of university style sessions and study a meta-curriculum topic which is specific to the PhD graduate they work with over the course of 7 weeks. At the end of the programme, they submit an essay based on the key question around their topic. They receive 1:1 feedback and have an opportunity to revise their first draft before final submission. As part of the programme, they have a chance to visit a top university and learn more about life in higher education, seeing for themselves the choices and opportunities they could also have in life.
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was created to provide funding in three key areas:
At Edward Worlledge Ormiston Academy we understand the importance that effective learning in PE has on the holistic development and wellbeing of every child. We believe that an innovative, varied curriculum and extra-curricular sporting opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and positive behaviour of all our children. We strive to promote healthy, active lifestyles and celebrate physical as well as academic achievement.
We are committed to excellence in PE, ensuring that every child values physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. We strive to provide outstanding provision for PE and sport across the academy and aim to give every child the opportunity to reach their full potential across a range of physical activities.
Our approach at Edward Worlledge Ormiston Academy to ensure improvements and developments resulting from expenditure are sustainable, we will continue to review our Action Plans in order to identify where expenditure has had the most beneficial impact for pupils so that these elements can be repeated and further exploited going forward. This awareness will underpin our strategy as it is devised for the next cycle. Strands will be linked directly to the Academy Development Plan to ensure that there is an ongoing focus in the clear relationship between sporting activity and performance in the classroom. This approach will also help to ensure all staff members at the Academy recognise they have a stake in this important dimension. Further, in order for our approach to be sustainable, it is equally important that our relationships will also ensure that expenditure which has generated valuable professional development for our staff is cascaded appropriately.